Debate Drinking Game
1. Everytime a candidate says the word "Iraq", do a shot.
2. If Bush says "nucular", do a line of coke.
3. If Kerry says "Dubya stands for Wrong", shoot yourself in the leg.
4. If either candidate says the word "values", go fuck a prostitute.
5. If Bush equivocates Iraq with Al Qaeda, take 2 bong hits.
6. If Kerry talks about Vietnam, take 3 hits of the brown acid.
7. If either candidate farts, give the person to your right a "hot carl".
8. In honor of the Bush Twins, every 5 minutes do a shot.
9. In honor of Teresa Heinz Kerry, chase each shot with a ketchup packet then say "fuck you" in a foreign language.
10. In honor of America, eat some apple pie and wash it down with a glass of gasoline.
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