September 30, 2004

Debate Drinking Game

Tonight is the first of the Presidential Debates. Knowing that the drinking games will be circulating all over the internet, I've decided to create my own.

1. Everytime a candidate says the word "Iraq", do a shot.
2. If Bush says "nucular", do a line of coke.
3. If Kerry says "Dubya stands for Wrong", shoot yourself in the leg.
4. If either candidate says the word "values", go fuck a prostitute.
5. If Bush equivocates Iraq with Al Qaeda, take 2 bong hits.
6. If Kerry talks about Vietnam, take 3 hits of the brown acid.
7. If either candidate farts, give the person to your right a "hot carl".
8. In honor of the Bush Twins, every 5 minutes do a shot.
9. In honor of Teresa Heinz Kerry, chase each shot with a ketchup packet then say "fuck you" in a foreign language.
10. In honor of America, eat some apple pie and wash it down with a glass of gasoline.