Terrorist Cats?
I must say, I have been watching my own two cats, but there's no way my little sweetie pies would ever be terrorists. Would you? Would you? Meow. Come here little kitty cat, awwwwwww.
However, the neighbor cats are a different story, especially the little grey kitty. That little grey cat is always up to no good and is always trying to start fights with my cats. She's also very suspicious. Why, just the other day she was rooting around the trash bin, possible looking for a way to hide a dirty bomb? Who knows? I dont know? Do you know? No, you don't.
If you ever see a cat wearing a little backpack and you think to yourself, "awww, how cute, that little kitty has a backpack on." Don't pick it up and pet it! It could be a suicide bomber cat. You never know.
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