May 10, 2005

And Now The Exciting Conclusion To The Tale Of The Mysterious Check

Editor's Note: This is part 2 of an extraordinary 2 part blog post story thing. Part 1 may be read here.

"Man, you smell like chocolate," said the teller.

And I did. I did indeed smell like chocolate.

I smelled like chocolate because the coffee that my wife made was chocolaty and I had coffee breath because I just drank a cup of coffee before I got to the bank. Thus, the teller smelled my coffee breath and said, "Man, you smell like chocolate." It's because I did smell like chocolate. It was chocolate flavored coffee to be exact.

I bet you didn't see that coming, did you?

And then, all of a sudden, would you believe it, Slappy McBappy walked in to the bank.

"Hello Jefe," said Slappy.

"Oh, hello there Slappy." I know Slappy from way back. We used to carpool together back when we worked at the ostrich rescue. "What are you doing today?"

"Uh, I forgot. Hey, have you seen my new camera? Check this sum bitch out."

"Slappy, that's not a camera, that's a Dragon's Lair lunchbox."

"Man, you smell like chocolate coffee. Hey, what did I do with my camera?"

Slappy opened up the lunch box and pulled out a ham sandwich and ate part of it.

Slappy's mouth was full and he was chewing on sandwich when he said, "want some?"

"No thanks," said I. "Welp, it was good to see you, I gots to skedaddle."

"Oh, I remember where my camera is," said Slappy. "It's under my hat." Slappy removed his hat.

"Slappy, that's not a camera, that's a baby duck."
