June 08, 2004
Venus transits across the sun today. Well, it's not really, I mean, Venus is simply doing what Venus does everyday, and that's be Venus. So Venile. It just so happens that as far as the Sun and the Earth goes, Venus will be between us. And that's really our problem, isn't it? We are so self absorbed that this is all somehow special for us and it's all thanks to Venus. Sure, the Sun was there, but the Sun's there everyday, and we're here all the time. I mean, I'm stuck with myself and you're stuck with yourself, and we're both stuck together on Earth. Of course, Venus is out there most of the time too, but no one ever gives a flying assfuck until there's a little black spot in the Sun. Awww, I'm just jealous because I don't get to see it because I'm on the wrong side of the Earth today. Dammit.
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