October 06, 2005

Python Vs. Alligator

Over on the BBC, where they do real reporting, I get this exciting news story about a 13 foot python that tried to eat a 6 foot alligator, and then exploded!

[A University of Florida wildlife professor] said the alligator may have clawed at the python's stomach, leading it to burst.

That is so awesome.

October 04, 2005

For Now On, I Will Only Buy Pants with an Elastic Waist-band

That's what I learned today from this news story. They say that 9 out of 10 men will be fatty fats. I don't like those odds. I guess that means I should go ahead and purchase my Rascal now since I'll probably balloon up to the point that it hurts to walk. And, for you ladies out there, don't start laughing yet, because there is a 7 out 10 chance that you too will be ginormous whale people walking around eating fried chicken out of the bucket.