July 31, 2004

Transcript of fake poker game with Dick Cheney

Poker with Dick Cheney, from the Poor Man:

Transcript of The Editors' regular Saturday-night poker game with Dick Cheney, 6/19/04. Start tape at 12:32 AM.

The Editors: We'll take three cards.

Dick Cheney: Give me one.

Sounds of cards being placed down, dealt, retrieved, and rearranged in hand. Non-commital noises, puffing of cigars.

TE: Fifty bucks.

DC: I'm in. Show 'em.

TE: Two pair, sevens and fives.

DC: Not good enough.

TE: What do you have?

DC: Better than that, that's for sure. Pay up.

TE: Can you show us your cards?

DC: Sure. One of them's a six.

TE: You need to show all your cards. That's the way the game is played.

Click on the link to read the rest of it.

July 30, 2004


So if you had nothing better going on last night and you happened to be watching the John Kerry speech on CNN, then you saw the comical balloon gaffe. Oh My! Somebody on CNN dropped the f-bomb because all the balloons weren't dropping. Matt Drudge, moments after, solicited requests from his audience for an audio recording of the incident. Drudge, of course, fucked it up and misquoted the voice in the audio as saying "Where the fu*k are the balloons!"

This was wrong. Drudge can't transcribe a live audio feed for shit. What was actually said was:

Okay, balloons. Let the balloons go. Balloons drop! Where are my balloons? Not enough balloons are falling! What the hell is going on? I need more balloons! What the fuck is wrong, people! The goddamn motherfucking balloons aren't dropping! Gawwwd-dammmit! What the FUCK people!

This was our only fucking job to do here! SHIT! They paid us to put fucking balloons in the goddamn rafters and then drop them on command! Why in Satan's name are there still balloons up in the cocksucking rafters?!? Huh? Answer me! FUCK! Whoever fucked this up is getting fired from my daddy's balloon dropping company! I swear to Jesus! You will be shitcanned faster than you can say "balloon!" Shit! This was our biggest gig of the year!

FUCK! Daddy's gonna think I'm a failure. You all realize we get payed by the balloon here! Right?!? See all those motherfucking balloons up in those fucking bitch ass rafters?!? That's cashola out of our pockets, bitches!



Gawd-Almighty! How do you fuck up a balloon drop? You have to be a goddamned fucking idiot to do that! SHIT! My mind is a piece of SHIT today! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK ME TO TUESDAY SIDEWAYS!


At least that's how I remember it.

July 20, 2004

My first traumatic experience

As a young child, I was quite the enthusiastic fan of the american game known as baseball. One day, I finally attended my first professional game. I was excited. I was ecstatic. I was electrified. I was e-nebriated with youthful basebull buzz.

It did not matter that we sat in the far away outfield bleachers. It did not matter that we were watching the hapless home town Texas Rangers take the field in a less than noble performance. What did matter was that I was there to witness the great game unfold on the freshly cut green of Arlington Stadium, located just south of I-20 and just west of Six Flags. At some point during the contest between the Rangers and the Whoosits (I have forgotten who they played, probably the White Sox) that I developed the need to use the bathroom facilities.

Arlington Stadium will never be revered by baseball historians. It will never be listed amongst the great long lost ballparks like Ebbets Field, Shibe Park, Comiskey Park, Tiger Stadium, the Polo Grounds, and the soon to be replaced Fenway Park. And, it probably does not deserve such accolades.

The place started out as Turnpike Stadium, a small minor league park, and then grew into a sort of mishmash major league park with the arrival of the Washington Senators. The site was continually added onto until it grew into a lump of a ballpark with the addition of upper decks and a big time crazy ass scoreboard.

Yet, the stadium still had humble roots, and I feel fond of the old place even though they built that new silly Ballpark in Arlington, which resembles a theme park (where the theme happens to be baseball). The old place just kind of had a feel to it. It was like the trailer park of baseball parks. It certainly wasn't attractive from the outside, but it never pretended to be anything that it wasn't. And, let's face it, the Rangers were never hot shit, either. They were a perfect match for each other.

The new place resembles a gated suburban community, but that's the new DFW for you, I digress. At the old place, you took a piss in a horse trough. The new place has fancy pants auto flush urinals in which a Docker's wearing pseudo fan can micturate upon.

Ah yes, the bathrooms, that is where my story begins. As I mentioned earlier, at some point during the contest I developed the urgent need to use the bathroom facilities. Number one it was. As a boy, I entered the men's room and noticed the troughs were thouroghly occupied. I am not really sure how many people can use a single trough at once, I guess it's really a function on the width of the trough and the distance in which men care to stand apart from each other while urinating.

Instead of waiting in line, I looked at the stalls. An open stall awaited me. As I entered the stall, I took a quick glance into the toilet and noticed the most disgusting diarrhea that has ever exited a man's body before. There must have been a pound of brisket's worth in there and It was all floating atop a bowl full of tan liquid. My stomach contorted at this sight and I closed my eyes and looked away immediately while flushing the toilet with one hand and unleashing my ding-a-ling with the other. After a few seconds of business, I took another glance and realized the toilet was clogged and the liquid level was rising rapidly. Oily swatches of diarrhea began to spill out on to my shoes.

"Unggh," I gagged.

I continued to pee because, let's face it, I had to go and I had nowhere else to go. Once you start, you can't stop. Unfortunately, I was also about to vomit everywhere and I could not bear the look or the smell of the stuff that was splashing on to the floor. So much liquid was splashing on the ground that when a semi-solid piece hit the floor, it hydro-planed across the tile and entered the territory of the adjacent stalls.

"Ewww," the person to my left said.

"Awww," the person to my right said.

"Unggh," I gagged again.

People may underestimate the grossness of another person's feces, but please do not underestimate the grossness of another person's feces sliding on the floor like one of those critters in the Alien movies.

Eventually, I finished up, and the entire time I was gagging. I continually gagged for the remainder of the game. The mere thought of the incident incited gaggetry. To this very day, if I tell the story verbally, I am likely to gag repeatedly. Sometimes I cannot even finish the story.

I went to several more Ranger games at the old stadium after that. I got see Nolan Ryan pitch. I got to see my first triple play. I got to see my first bench clearing brawl. I came damn close to catching a Larry Parrish homer in the left field bleachers one game. I even saw myself on the nightly news during the sports cast after the game, scrambling for the ball. But, I've never seen anything filthier than what I saw that first night.


Girly Men

The Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has chastised the democratic lawmakers of the state by calling them "girly men." The democratic response, has been to act like girly men and whine and cry about being called "girly men."

Look, if someone calls you a "girly man", your response should not be to complain that "girly men" is a sexist or possibly homophobic statement. A better response would be to do something like the following:

All the democratic lawmakers assemble on a stage. The head guy stands behind a podium and says into the microphone, "Mr. Schwarzenegger has called us girly men. Well, Mr. Schwarzenegger, would a bunch of girly men do this?"

The curtain rises. Playboy playmates ride out on motorcycles. The Laker girls rappel from the rafters. Strippers, burlesque dancers, hookers, show girls, cheerleaders, you name it, they all come out butt naked, some in roller skates, some on horseback, some with sparklers in their hands, some with hula hoops and ironic trucker hats. The lawmakers, wearing tear-away pants, shed their clothes and everyone just starts fuckin'. Everybody's just humpin' away like bunnies. The stage turns into a mound of pulsating flesh and the world's largest simultaneous orgasm occurs. Six lawmakers die of heart attacks, and seventeen people contract various STD's. In fact, a whole new deadly disease mutates out of this sick, yet strangely beautiful, display of human debauchery.

The main guy heads back to the podium. "Your move, Governator."

The Governator browns his trousers.


However, bloggers, with few exceptions, don't add reporting to the personal views they post online, and they see journalism as bound by norms and standards that they reject. That encourages these common attributes of the blogosphere: vulgarity, scorching insults, bitter denunciations, one-sided arguments, erroneous assertions and the array of qualities that might be expected from a blustering know-it-all in a bar.

These are the words of Alex S. Jones, the director of the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and not to be confused with this Alex Jones. They were published in the prestigious print media and can be read online here. This is also another example of establishment media types who are jealous of bloggers that are being invited to blog the national conventions.

Later Alex S. Jones writes:

Blogging is especially amenable to introducing negative information into the news stream and for circulating rumors as fact. Blogging's fact-checking apparatus is just the built-in truth squad of those who read the blog and howl loudly if they wish to dispute some assertion. It is, in a sense, a place where everyone has his own truth.

Oh Alex, you ignorant skank, you are so naive. You have an impressive resume, but you still don't know shit.

Everything you know is wrong! I bet they didn't teach you that in school, did they? You're living in a play land, Alex.

Tell me, what color is the sky in your world?

You need to wake the fuck up and open your eyes, assbutt.

Next up, we have Peter Johnson (which is one of those names that's kinda like Dick McCock or Rod Sausage) who writes in the USA Today about a journalism prof by the name of Tim McPhail:

That bloggers get front seats bothers Tom McPhail, a journalism professor at the University of Missouri.

''They're certainly not committed to being objective. They thrive on rumor and innuendo,'' McPhail says. Bloggers ''should be put in a different category, like 'pretend' journalists.''

Ooooooh. Pretend journalists. Little Tommy McPhail who teaches "journalism" at Mizzou (go Tigers!) says we are pretend journalists. Well, why don't you just pretend like bloggers don't exist, fuckhat! I'm gonna pretend like I'm kicking your ass!

July 13, 2004

The Union of Man and Box Turtle

I tried. I'm telling you, I tried. I tried to resist the temptation. Really, I tried.

But, I can't. I must write something.

Here's why.

From the Washington Post:

"It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor marries a box turtle. But that does not mean it is right. . . . Now you must raise your children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle is on the same legal footing as man and wife."

-- Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), advocating a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in a speech Thursday to the Heritage Foundation.

Where do I go with this? Where? What can I possibly say?

Senator Turtlefuck (R-Tex) has said it all.

Now look at some turtle porn.

If you were in any way turned on by that, then you may be a Republican.

UPDATE: Check this out.

July 09, 2004

Open Thread

Here's an open thread. Every body can chat away. Have a good weekend.

July 08, 2004

The Donkey

The donkey penis was enormous.

"Lordy, lordy, cream my corn," gasped Maybelle. "I ain't never seen nothing like that before."

The livestock scratched his side with his hoof. The shuffling leg swayed the donkey anatomy hypnotically, to and fro, back and forth, a giant dirty animal meat pendulum. The musky air formed sweat beads on Maybelle's skin beneath her billowy cotton dress.

"I do believe that I am havin' impure thoughts," thought Maybelle. "I ain't never thought like this before."

What was it that made a married God-fearing good woman like Maybelle think about a donkey penis? How does a mother of two who volunteers at the hospital and washes old people with a sponge allow such beastly thoughts to enter her mind?

"Aha, I know what it is."

Maybelle lifted her finger.

"It's that gay marriage. Once they started lettin' homosexuals tie the knot, every thing just went downhill. There's no order or morality. I mean, if gay people can get married, then what's to stop me from marrying that donkey over there?"

Maybelle stared at the donkey. The donkey, unaware of it's talent, did not seem to notice Maybelle at all. A butterfly fluttered through the air and landed on the head of the donkey penis. The penis, like a tail, shook it off.

"Lordy lordy," said Maybelle as she fanned herself with a newspaper.

The donkey started to defecate. It squeezed out a long slow turd that grew until it's length matched the penis, then it plopped out to the ground and broke in half.

"Now that was just nasty," thought Maybelle.

Maybelle left the vicinity of the donkey and went home to prepare dinner for her family.

"Tonight, we're gonna have spaghetti," said Maybelle to herself.

As she reached for noodles the donkey entered her mind again. She chuckled.

"That's ridiculous," chuckled Maybelle. "Ridiculous."